

This module contains the definition of the BitVec fragment that bv_decide internally operates on as BVLogicalExpr. The preprocessing steps of bv_decide reduce all supported BitVec operations to the ones provided in this file. For verification purposes BVLogicalExpr.Sat and BVLogicalExpr.Unsat are provided.

The semantics for BVBinOp.


All supported unary operators on BVExpr.

  • not : Std.Tactic.BVDecide.BVUnOp

    Bitwise not.

  • shiftLeftConst (n : Nat) : Std.Tactic.BVDecide.BVUnOp

    Shifting left by a constant value.

    This operation has a dedicated constant representation as shiftLeft can take Nat as a shift amount. We can obviously not bitblast a Nat but still want to support the case where the user shifts by a constant Nat value.

  • shiftRightConst (n : Nat) : Std.Tactic.BVDecide.BVUnOp

    Shifting right by a constant value.

    This operation has a dedicated constant representation as shiftRight can take Nat as a shift amount. We can obviously not bitblast a Nat but still want to support the case where the user shifts by a constant Nat value.

  • rotateLeft (n : Nat) : Std.Tactic.BVDecide.BVUnOp

    Rotating left by a constant value.

  • rotateRight (n : Nat) : Std.Tactic.BVDecide.BVUnOp

    Rotating right by a constant value.

  • arithShiftRightConst (n : Nat) : Std.Tactic.BVDecide.BVUnOp

    Arithmetic shift right by a constant value.

    This operation has a dedicated constant representation as shiftRight can take Nat as a shift amount. We can obviously not bitblast a Nat but still want to support the case where the user shifts by a constant Nat value.

Instances For

The semantics for BVUnOp.

theorem Std.Tactic.BVDecide.BVUnOp.eval_rotateLeft {n w : Nat} :
(Std.Tactic.BVDecide.BVUnOp.rotateLeft n).eval = fun (x : BitVec w) => x.rotateLeft n
theorem Std.Tactic.BVDecide.BVUnOp.eval_rotateRight {n w : Nat} :
(Std.Tactic.BVDecide.BVUnOp.rotateRight n).eval = fun (x : BitVec w) => x.rotateRight n

All supported expressions involving BitVec and operations on them.

Instances For
  • Std.Tactic.BVDecide.BVExpr.instToString = { toString := Std.Tactic.BVDecide.BVExpr.toString }

Pack a BitVec with its width into a single parameter-less structure.

The semantics for BVExpr.


Pack two BVExpr of equivalent width into one parameter-less structure.

@[reducible, inline]

Boolean substructure of problems involving predicates on BitVec as atoms.
